Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Week 1: In Class Exercise

Max Ernst

1st Panel translation:
There is a lady in the center of the image who appears to be dancing next to a rooster who has laid an egg.

2nd Panel translation:
A human sized rooster being stands over the woman who is now asleep; tiny rooster is at his side.

3rd Panel translation:
There is a woman who was dead under the floorboards and now there are two rooster people. Both look down at the revealed woman while a second woman starts to get undressed.

4th Panel translation:
Rooster men examine the clothing while the two women lay dead.

5th Panel translation:
Rooster man celebrates a new death of a woman in  a bedroom surrounded by two regular roosters.

6th Panel translation:
Rooster men takes over the bodies of the dead woman

7th Panel translation:
They panic at the thought of robbing women of their bodies

8th Panel translation:
Woman are accompanied by a goose who helps them leave the head rooster